Introduction to Buddhist Meditation: Meditation and The Buddhist Way of Life
Fridays | 12pm - 1pm
at Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina
(528 East Blvd. Charlotte)
with Resident Teacher and Modern Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Norbu
$12/class, free for members

“In his Dharma teachings, Buddha advises us not to seek happiness outside ourself, but to establish it within our mind.” - Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Introduction to Buddhism
What makes Buddhist meditation Buddhist? There are many things that are unique to Buddhist meditation in particular, one of the most important being the Buddhist understanding of the mind. Buddhist meditation is all for the purpose of solving the basic problem of human suffering. Through understanding the mind, and understanding karma, solutions can be found that are not possible otherwise.
In these introductory classes, Gen Norbu will introduce the basic foundations of the Buddhist way of life, including teachings on the mind, karma, reincarnation, and of course meditation. Start at the beginning of the series if you can, but if you miss the beginning then start when you are able.
Recommended reading: Introduction to Buddhism by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Available in our shop, or download here - Introduction to Buddhism
January 3 - Following an Enlightened Example: Who was Buddha?
January 10 - Inner Problems, Inner Solutions: Understanding the Mind
January 17 - Reincarnation Explained: Past and Future Lives
January 24 - How to Change What’s Happening to Us: What is Karma?
January 31 - Appreciating our Spiritual Opportunity: Our Precious Human Life
February 7 - Calming the Mind, Reducing Distractions: What is Meditation?
February 14 - Overcoming Anxiety, Loneliness and Depression: Meditation on Death
February 21 - Real Protection from Suffering: The Buddhist Way of Life

About the Teacher
Gen Kelsang Norbu was ordained as a Buddhist monk in 2006 by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, and was requested by him to be the Resident Teacher of KMC North Carolina. He earned the title "Gen" in 2012, indicating that he is a senior ordained teacher of modern Kadampa Buddhism.
Gen Norbu is known for his loving and gentle nature and holds a very clear and sharp understanding of Buddha’s teachings. Through his teachings and his personal example, Gen Norbu shows us how to integrate Buddha's teachings into our daily life.