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Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina

528 East Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28203


“Since you cannot become a Buddha merely by understanding Dharma, practice earnestly with understanding.” - Atisha (AD 982–1054), quoted in The New Meditation Handbook, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso


We all want to be happy, but how can we be happy in the midst of all the different influences in our daily life? What are some simple practices that everyone can do to help their mind, both in and out of meditation? One particularly well-loved text within our lineage, known as Advice from Atisha’s Heart, is full of helpful tips that everyone can practice. Each one addresses some aspect of our life where we can find more peace and happiness by thinking in special ways.


In these classes, Gen Norbu will introduce and guide meditations for all levels. Each class will focus on a few verses from Advice from Atisha’s Heart, looking at how we can understand and practice their meaning in a way that will improve our daily experience. Start at the beginning of the series if you can, but if you miss the beginning then start when you are able.


Recommended reading: The New Meditation Handbook by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Available in our shop, or download here - The New Meditation Handbook - US 2nd edition


April 5 - The Mantra OM AH HUM: A Special Breathing Meditation

April 12 - The Power of Listening and Training: Practice Earnestly with Understanding

April 19 - Choosing What Influences Us: Always Remain Where Your Virtues Increase

April 26 - The Art of Prioritizing: Limit Your Activities

May 3 - How to Practice Mindfulness and Alertness: Always Watch Your Mind

May 10 - The Power of Being Satisfied: Practice Contentment

May 17 - How to Stop Worldly Preoccupations: Do Not Be Attached to Anything

May 24 - Developing Equanimity: Have No Hatred for Enemies, and No Attachment for Friends

May 31 - How to Respect Everyone: See All Living Beings as Your Father or Mother

June 7 - The Power of Honesty and Kindness: Speak Truthfully Without Malice

June 14 - The Power of Choosing Your Words: Speak in Moderation, Only When Necessary

June 21 - The Patience of Understanding Karma: Do Not Blame Others

June 28 - How to Work on Your Own Stuff: Begin by Taming Your Own Mind

July 5 - When to Share, When to Save: Sincerely Practice Giving

July 12 - The Flexibility to Do What’s Best: Always Keep Pure Moral Discipline

July 19 - How to Be Happy No Matter What: Don the Armor of Patience, Free from Anger

July 26 - The Joy of Meditation: Ignite the Fire of the Effort of Application

August 2 - How to Train in Meditation: Now is the Time to Practice Concentration

August 9 - The Freedom of Emptiness: Move to the Firm Ground of Liberation


Happiness Tips for Everyone: Advice from Atisha’s Heart

Meditation classes with teachings by our Resident Teacher, Gen Norbu

Friday's, 12-1 pm, KMC North Carolina
$12/class, free for members

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©2021 by Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina

Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina

528 East Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28203

(980) 224-0129 /

Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina is a 501(c)(3) charitable entity. Our center is run primarily by volunteers and all activities are dedicated to the development of peace throughout Charlotte and the surrounding areas.

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