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Introduction to Buddhist Meditation Retreat
Introduction to Buddhist Meditation Retreat
Love Without Pain

February 22 
at Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina
(528 East Blvd. Charlotte)
10am - 1pm
$20 | discounts for

Love with out Pain.png
A Buddhist Meditation Retreat​

“Pure unconditional love never causes any pain or worry but only peace and joy.” - Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, How to Transform Your Life


Does it ever feel like love hurts? We need to remember that at the moment our love for others is almost invariably mixed with attachment, which is a self-centered mind. It is sometimes very difficult to distinguish between our love and our attachment for others, but, when we are able to do so, we will see that it is invariably the attachment that is the cause of our suffering. Attachment and love are easily confused, but it is vital to discriminate between them, for love will bring us only happiness whereas the mind of attachment will bring us only suffering.


This retreat will focus on meditation on love without attachment, which can give us an experience of love without pain. Suitable for all levels of experience.



10-11:15am: Session 1

11:15 - 11:45: break and refreshments

11:45am-1pm: Session 2

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About the Teacher

Gen Kelsang Norbu was ordained as a Buddhist monk in 2006 by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, and was requested by him to be the Resident Teacher of KMC North Carolina. He earned the title "Gen" in 2012, indicating that he is a senior ordained teacher of modern Kadampa Buddhism.

Gen Norbu is known for his loving and gentle nature and holds a very clear and sharp understanding of Buddha’s teachings. Through his teachings and his personal example, Gen Norbu shows us how to integrate Buddha's teachings into our daily life.

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Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina

528 East Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28203

(980) 224-0129 /

Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina is a 501(c)(3) charitable entity. Our center is run primarily by volunteers and all activities are dedicated to the development of peace throughout Charlotte and the surrounding areas.

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