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Introduction to Buddhist Meditation Retreat
Introduction to Buddhist Meditation Retreat
Heruka Retreat: New Essence of Vajrayana

January 25 (see schedule below)
at Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina
(528 East Blvd. Charlotte)
member discounts apply

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“As times become ever more impure we will receive the blessings and special care of Heruka and Vajrayogini more quickly, and through this we will attain realizations easily and quickly.” - Geshe Kelsang Gyatso


New Essence of Vajrayana is the middling length Heruka body mandala self-generation practice, an instruction of the Ganden Oral Lineage. We should know that in general when Buddha gave Tantric empowerments he appeared as Vajradhara, but when he gave Heruka empowerment he appeared as Heruka. It is commonly known that the instructions of how to practice the generation and completion stages of Heruka body mandala and Vajrayogini are more profound than the instructions of how to practice the generation and completion stages of the other Tantric Deities such as Guhyasamaja and Yamantaka. Thus, the practices of Heruka body mandala and Vajrayogini are the very essence of Highest Yoga Tantra.


In this special retreat, visiting teacher Cindy Parker will give teachings and guide meditations on the New Essence of Vajrayana sadhana. By engaging in these meditations, we can receive the powerful blessings of all Buddhas through our Spiritual Guide, Guru Heruka.

Cindy has been practicing meditation and Kadampa Buddhism for over 15 years. She is the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation South Carolina. Before being appointed as the Resident Teacher she dedicated her energy for many years, serving as the Educational Program Coordinator and then Administrative Director of Kadampa Meditation Center Georgia in Atlanta, and then Administrative Director at Kadampa Meditation Center Florida in Sarasota. Cindy shares her love of meditation and Kadampa Buddhism, with inspiring enthusiasm showing others how to keep a peaceful mind and kind heart.


*Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments required or this retreat, or the intention to receive them



10-11:15am Session 1

11:45am-1pm Session 2

2:45-4:30pm Offering to the Spiritual Guide with tsog


About the Teacher


Cindy Parker has been practicing meditation and Kadampa Buddhism for over 15 years. She is the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation South Carolina. Before being appointed as the Resident Teacher she dedicated her energy for many years, serving as the Educational Program Coordinator and then Administrative Director of Kadampa Meditation Center Georgia in Atlanta, and then Administrative Director at Kadampa Meditation Center Florida in Sarasota. Cindy shares her love of meditation and Kadampa Buddhism, with inspiring enthusiasm showing others how to keep a peaceful mind and kind heart.

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