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Introduction to Buddhist Meditation Retreat
Introduction to Buddhist Meditation Retreat
Center Cherishing

Sunday, November 17 |1pm 
at Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina
(528 East Blvd. Charlotte)

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Looking for a chance to get together with our local community and help out our Meditation Center?


Center Cherishing Days give us a chance to support KMC North Carolina by doing small tasks that make a big difference for our Dharma Center and Sangha Community. On these days, the community comes together to clean and cherish our beautiful meditation space and center; in particular we will be preparing our Center for the empowerment weekend November 22-23. Tasks generally include light cleaning and organizing. We have jobs for all physical capacities, and there is plenty of time to relax and enjoy meeting new people. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. Any time you can give will be greatly appreciated!

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Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina

528 East Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28203

(980) 224-0129 /

Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina is a 501(c)(3) charitable entity. Our center is run primarily by volunteers and all activities are dedicated to the development of peace throughout Charlotte and the surrounding areas.

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