Introduction to Buddhist Meditation Retreat
Introduction to Buddhist Meditation Retreat
Letting Go of Anger and Resentment: An Introductory Buddhist meditation retreat
Saturday, September 14
10am - 1pm (see schedule below)
at Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina
(528 East Blvd. Charlotte)
$20; member discounts apply
Do you ever find yourself in situations in which it seems impossible to keep a happy mind? Even after getting out of an unhealthy relationship or a bad situation, do you still find yourself tormented by old resentments that continue to burn, even years later? If so, then this retreat is for you!
In this introductory retreat, we will explore tried and tested methods for letting go of, not repressing, anger and resentment, without taking it out on others. The practice of patient acceptance, when combined with wisdom and compassion, is the most effective way to work with our unhappy feelings, learn from them, and then heal our mind and our heart so that we can finally get some peace.
“There is no evil greater than anger, and no virtue greater than patience. Therefore, I should strive in various ways to become familiar with the practice of patience.” - Shantideva, quoted in How to Solve Our Human Problems
Retreat Schedule
10 -11:15am: Teaching and guided meditation
11:15am - 11:45am: Break and refreshments
11:45am -1pm: Teaching and guided meditation
About the Teacher
Gen Kelsang Norbu was ordained as a Buddhist monk in 2006 by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, and was requested by him to be the Resident Teacher of KMC North Carolina. He earned the title "Gen" in 2012, indicating that he is a senior ordained teacher of modern Kadampa Buddhism.
Gen Norbu is known for his loving and gentle nature and holds a very clear and sharp understanding of Buddha’s teachings. Through his teachings and his personal example, Gen Norbu shows us how to integrate Buddha's teachings into our daily life.